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management crisis中文是什么意思

用"management crisis"造句"management crisis"怎么读"management crisis" in a sentence


  • 管理危机


  • Analysis on management crisis in institution
  • At present , china ' s newspapers are facing unprecedented management crisis
  • While i don t believe that there is a quality - management crisis in software development , i do see ongoing failures in our industry
  • Therefore , nurturing the core competence of our newspapers , is the essential way to solve the management crisis that our newspapers are facing . “ nurture ” has two meanings
  • This dissertation makes a deep analysis on the factors , forms and developing laws of the management fluctuation phenomena and management crisis phenomena in the venture capital process
  • The whole process of technology innovation involves uncertainty of technology , marketing , distribution of profit and policy environment , which enhance the crisis of technology innovation tremendously : invention crisis , manufacture crisis , marketing crisis , management crisis and development crisis
  • It is also expected to be a key to define the sticking points and release crisis when private enterprises meeting with management crisis , especially for family enterprises . at the same time , it is expected to be beneficial for the enterprise managers taking precautions , releasing crisis at the phase of germination , diminishing loss to the best , and creating a continuous healthy development interior management environment for private enterprises , especially for family enterprises
  • That ’ s because since 20 c 70 ’ s , many welfare states in western were faced with management crisis : there was “ government failure ” get along with “ market failure ” . moreover , governance brought forward a new view : let government , market and citizen society combine together to manage public administration . this way can be said the third way except government and market , and it cater for the requirement of western countries ’ reform
  • The fundamental reason for the appearance of the management crisis is that some newspapers have shortcomings in their own content , capital , talent , issuance , management and technology . they lack the core competence . the core competence is the soul of newspapers . a newspaper that has the strongest core competence can be invincible in the fierce market competition . in the future the competition will mainly depend on the core competence
  • In order to get rid of financial crisis , credit crisis , management crisis , etc which government confronts , and also to positively deal with the requests of globalization and information , most countries have been performing administrative reforms since the 1980s , with the aim to revive the administrative activities by finding out new administrative ways , modes and developing power . therefore , a worldwide government reform has been raised
    为了摆脱政府本身所面临的诸如财政危机、信任危机、管理危机等困境,积极应对全球化和信息化的时代诉求, 20世纪80年代起,世界各国纷纷投入到了公共行政改革之中,力图寻找新的行政路径,行政模式和发展动力,使窘迫的行政活动重显魅力和生机,于是,掀起了一股世界性的改造政府运动。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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